Memorial Visitor Policy
March 2, 2020

In effort to protect our facility and community beginning Friday March 13, 2020 until further notice the following will be implemented: Visitor restriction, entrance access limited and Memorial Medical Center will remain open to serve our community.
Updated new policy, effective June 29th:
Due to social distancing needs and limited space in ED, no visitors are allowed in the ED or waiting room at this time. Exceptions may be in certain specific circumstances as determined by the ED Director/Manager/Team Lead.
One visitor will be allowed per day/per patient
Visiting hours will be between 4pm and 8pm Monday-Sunday
All visitors must be 18 years of age and older
Visitors will not be allowed to visit the Covid-19 positive patients or patients being ruled out for Covid for their own safety.
Neonatal Intensive Care and Pediatrics-may have both parents in their room
Maternity/Labor and Delivery-may have one significant other in their room
Patients Undergoing End-of-Life:
Two rotations of 3 persons (family, friends, or pastoral care) these will be coordinated with the Unit Director/RN Charge
**Family waiting to rotate must remain in their cars until notified of the rotation shift
Per Governor's mandate gatherings of 5 will be honored
1 is the patient
1 is the registered nurse
When possible Unit will notify security/screening station of pending rotation
All visitors will be screened upon entry of the facility. Any visitor with a fever or who is not feeling well will be prohibited from entering the facility.
All visitors will be required to wear a mask.
Visitors will be instructed to remain in the room for the duration of the visit.
Visitors will be asked to follow hand hygiene protocol, using hand gel or soap and water, while limiting surfaces touched before entering patient rooms.
During this time we encourage family members to use "video visits" options such as phone calls, FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp and other online platforms to stay in contact with their loved ones.
For more information on our Restricted Visitor Policy contact our Director of Guests Relations,
Alfred Perez. Please call: 575.521.5064
For more information on our full Visitor Policy contact our Director of Guests Relations, Alfred Perez. Please call: 575.521.5064